Collectors are crazy people, seriously. We spend ridiculous amounts of money getting several editions of the same book and pretend that they are all different. In most cases, they are. The ARC might have slightly different content to the hardback, and of course we need the paperback edition for ease of reading. I mainly try to avoid getting multiple finished editions for books I don’t truly love, but over time my collection has grown, mistakes have been made and I don’t entirely regret them.

My bank account might, but I don’t. I’ve not yet driven myself into bankruptcy so I imagine my habits won’t change any time soon. Though at least I know that if I need a little extra spending money (I’m going to New York next month!!) I can always sell the second/third editions of books I have. Obviously, I’d keep the ARCs because, for some reason, those are more special to me. Mainly because I put a lot of value on books I’ve traded for with friends, and also because I appreciate the ones sent from publishers so diddly darn much that I have a lot of emotional value placed on them. Book post makes me happy.

Hence why I have a collecting problem.

Heart of Thorns

This one has a special place in my heart. As a new blogger with a baby face and very few reviews, Harper360UK took a chance on me and sent me an ARC. They also added me to their YA newsletter and have given me so many opportunities to prove myself to them, and I hope I’ve done a good job. Either way, I knew I had to purchase the finished copy so that I could remember the specialness of receiving Heart of Thorns forever, whilst also supporting the author. It was 5 star read so I honestly don’t mind having two copies, and they look extra cute on my shelf. It also helps that I bought the hardback for roughly £6 at Harper’s YALC stall. IT WAS VERY CHEAP AND I HAVE NO REGRETS.

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Crown of Feathers

A more recent one, Crown of Feathers was (and is) my most anticipated release of 2019. Technically, it started off on the second spot, but I managed to get ahold of Four Dead Queens in December, so that became a 2018 read leaving this fiery phoenix book the top spot. I couldn’t wait for the UK release date, so I ended up selling my soul in a trade to get my hands on the US ARC and ended up loving it. The UK publisher then sent me a finished copy for review and offered me a place on the blog tour as I was championing this book so much, so now I own two copies and I got to interview the author for my blog. MAY SECOND EVERYBODY, KEEP AN EYE OUT.

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Children of Blood and Bone

Children of Blood and Bone was the first ever physical ARC I received from a publisher. Little old me got sent one and I’m determined to never let it go, mostly out of sentimental value. Due to the hype of the book and how much I loved it, I also then went and bought the finished copy when it came out. I hoped to get them both signed at YALC (UK book event), but Tomi ended up staying for about 1 hour 45 minutes of her 2 hour slot and still had about 500 other people waiting in the queue for her. So yeah, I missed out.

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A Curse So Dark and Lonely

Another one I just couldn’t wait for, I got the ARC in a trade and then ended up getting the finished edition in my Fairyloot box, which was a gift from my parents. I’m considering getting rid of one but they both look so completely different AND I really enjoyed the book, so I doubt I’ll be dehauling one anytime soon. I’ve made some space on my shelves now so I’m not desperately needing to get rid of books. They might as well have a nice home for a little while longer until I decide for definite.

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A similar situation to A Curse So Dark and Lonely, I got a Boodleaf ARC in a trade. I’d also forgotten that I’d preordered it, so now I’ve got a stunningly designed very sleek hardcover sat right alongside my first edition on my shelves. To be honest, I’m a sucker for purple covers so I don’t see myself getting rid of either copy any time soon. That’s probably a stupid reason to keep a book, but it matches my aesthetic and I’m really proud of how my shelves look at the moment. They just wouldn’t be right if I started taking more books away.

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The Fever King

With this one, I ended up with two copies arriving in the same week. One was an ARC sent by a friend in the US, the other the really early Amazon preorder. If you don’t know, The Fever King was picked as a February Amazon Reads Choice, which meant that all ordered copies were sent out a month before release date (and the author was compensated for it, don’t worry). I was in the position at the time where I could dive on in, and I ended up flying through The Fever King in one sitting of less than a few hours. It was a 5 star favourite, and I figure: why not keep both copies?

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This one I reason as “different cover designs”, which is totally true. I read the eARC of Furyborn on NetGalley back when it still had less than 10 decent reviews on Goodreads. I was there in the calm before the storm, and as a loyal fan I had to get every edition I could get my hands on- which was the Fairyloot ARC and the beautiful hardcover copy. I’ve now got a Kingsbane ARC on the way, which won’t match the editions I already own so I might have to try source yet another edition of Furyborn. Whoops?

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Not If I See You First

For this one, I owned the finished copy long before I got the ARC. It’s a book I’ve read a thousand times, and when the opportunity popped up to get the ARC for only the cost of shipping I found myself logging into PayPal and transferring over the £3 postage. This book means a lot to me. It found me when I was lost, and it really helped me love books the way I do now. It was the forgiveness-based story I needed, and has led to a lot of personal development. Of course I had to get the second edition.

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A Thousand Perfect Notes

I’m obsessed with C.G Drews. I love her blog, and therefore I knew I’d love her writing style. I was desperate for the ARC of her book and pleaded with the book community until I found a friend willing to send me her copy. I flew through this story, sobbed a thousand times and felt broken for hours after I’d finished. I then ended up getting a special edition from my Illumicrate subscription.

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The Boy Who Steals Houses

After being such a champion for her first book, the publisher set me up with a review copy as well as the finished edition. Seriously, they sent me both. They must have seen that I was collecting multiple editions of her book and they had my back. I am so grateful for the publisher, and now I’m proud to say that my C.G Drews collection is completely up to date.

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Ship of Smoke and Steel

Another book I had the finished copy of before sourcing the ARC, but honestly this one was a total cover-buy. I’m so obsessed with the artwork I wanted multiple copies to cuddle, and I know I have to read this one soon. I find it easier to read paperbacks, so the ARC will be perfect for comfortable reading.

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The Last Namsara

I own three different editions of this beauty, as it was my favourite read of 2017. I have the ARC, the Fairyloot special edition and the paperback finished copy that matches my The Caged Queen. I’ve since done a re-read and I’m less obsessed with it than I used to be, but I still love it for being such an important book in my past. Sure, I don’t need three copies so I might end up letting one or two go.

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I don’t know how it happened but I own four copies of this one. Three different ARCS (YALC exclusive, UK proof, AUS ARC) as well as a signed finished copy. I only need the US ARC to finish my collection, but honestly I don’t need five copies of the same book. I might pass some on to my book society so people can fall in love with this book as much as I have.

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We Rule The Night

Technically, I don’t actually own two copies of this one yet. I just have the ARC, but I do have the finished copy on preorder. I considered cancelling my order since I’ve already got a copy, but I really want to support the author as she seems so sweet (I follow her on twitter), and she mentioned her hopes to tour the UK so I figure I might as well try get a few copies to get her to sign whilst she’s over here.

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To Best The Boys

Harper360UK sent me an ARC to review, and then Fairyloot chose this book to make a special edition of. So I ended up with two copies. IT’S NOT MY FAULT, OKAY?

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An Empire of Sand

Tasha is my friend. Of course I haaaad to preorder like 3 copies of her book alongside the UK ARC and the US ARC that I have on the way. One copy for my family to read, one copy to lend out and one copy to treasure as my own baby. I’m very proud of her, and if I can show her support by owning multiple editions of her book then I absolutely will.

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The Archived & The Unbound

My VE Schwab collection takes up a significant portion of a shelf, sitting alongside my Laini Taylor books. I own the old editions of Archived & Unbound but they have recently been reprinted in a bind up edition. Titan Books were sweet enough to send me this new copy, and now I have two editions of both book that I still haven’t read.

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We Hunt The Flame

I’ll be honest, I cancelled my preorder after getting hold of the ARC. I figured I’d read it before deciding if I wanted another edition, and save some money by doing so. Then Illumicrate compiled a small box which includes a signed gorgeous hardback along with a few swag items. Of course I fell off the whole ‘book buying ban’ thing and purchased it with no hesitations. Okay, there was a little hesitation – to be fair I haven’t bought a book all year outside of my preorders and book boxes, so I was powering on strong. It’ll be worth breaking my ban for though.

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Jennifer L Armentrout is my love, my life, my auto-buy most-owned author and I’m obsessed with absolutely everything she’s written that I’ve had the blessing to read. I own both the bind-up copies of her Obsidian books as well as a few of the stand alone copies. It makes for a mis-matched collection but I wouldn’t change a thing.

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The Beholder

This is one of the books I preordered with my Christmas gift cards, and I’ve recently got hold of an ARC as well. So yeah, I don’t own two editions yet but I will as soon as it comes out. I hope it’s worth it, because I haven’t got round to picking it up yet.

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

I’m alongside the rest of the world with this one in saying I have multiple copies. I have the old editions that technically belong to my parents, the new paperback copies that are beautiful and look so amazing together and I also own the first two books in the special illustrated editions. I plan to catch up and get the rest at some point, but I haven’t stumbled across the opportunity yet. I’m waiting for them to be a reasonable price before investing. J K Rowling doesn’t need the funds enough for me to be convinced to buy them at full price.

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Girls of Paper and Fire

HAVE YOU SEEN THE FAIRYLOOT EDITION OF THIS BOOK?! This one was featured before I got my subscription this year, but I absolutely had to sell my soul to get hold of it. I had already read the ARC I got at YALC, and with it being a 5 star read I knew there was no way I would not get my hands on it. So after a lot of searching for someone willing to trade or sell at a reasonable rate, the finished copy is mine.

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I was lucky enough to get the ARC of this one at NYA Lit Festival, when I already owned the finished copy. I love Marissa Meyer and as soon as I saw it I was diving towards it. There was a large table of proof copies that each person was allowed to take 2 books from, and I chose both Heartless and Renegades despite already owning one of them. No regrets.

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Until recently, my list would have been way longer than this. I’ve been motivated by lack of space to have a clear out and got rid of 6 books that I had second copies of in my unhaul post- meaning this one was way easier to write. It would have gone on forever otherwise.

What books do you have multiple editions of? I’m also really curious to know why you choose to collect more than one copy if you do have any.


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  1. I always have a hard time with multiple additions. For the most part, I’m good about not grabbing more up, but there are certainly ones that I need to have. I did the same with the first ARC that I ever got – I went and purchased the hardcover book when it first came out, and I did the same with Furyborn. This is a great collection, though, and I enjoyed reading the stories behind it! 🙂


    1. Aww I’m really glad you had fun reading this post. I wrote so much I was worried people wouldn’t enjoy it, but now I’m really happy ^-^ I’m kinda relieved it wasn’t just me that got my first ARC and then got a finished copy to go along side. AND FURYBORN IS SO GORGEOUS I COULDN’T RESIST!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I just got Ship of Smoke and Steel and the cover is so pretty. I was so tempted on getting multiple copies of The Last Namsara as I love all the covers I’ve seen for it but in the end i loved the art of the Dutch hc the most. I have like 3 copies of alice in wonderland. A cheap version, the pink barnes and noble leatherbound and a dutch copy for when my son is older. Oh and I also have one that has certain scenes with puzzles. I also have two copies of The Golem’s Eye. First my treasured pb and then I found a signed hardcover and then I got the whole series in pb and hc to match. *hides*


    1. Right?! Ship of Smoke and Steel has a super duper gorgeous cover and I’m just really hoping I end up loving the story as well. I’ve heard so many great things about how diverse and beautiful the world is, so my expectations are really high!

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  3. There’s so many books on here?? I need a bigger bookshelf 😂😂 The only one I have multiple of is Peter Pan because I have no self control when it comes to seeing shiny new editions 🤔 Ahh the covers for all yours are so pretty!!!


    1. I have 4 shelves!! But I would clear up SO much space if I could stop getting a second copy of every ARC that comes in. And yes!! I’m a sucker for pretty covers and that’s why I end up with multiple editions 😭

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m so jealous you have a We hunt the flame arc I’d sell my soul for it! Also if you ever want to get rid of your A curse dark and lonely arc I would love to take it off you 🙂 I need to read to best the boys as well, it sounds so intriguing!


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