Discussing My TBR – A Relaxed Talk & Assessment of What I Should Be Reading (and when)

They go hand in hand, being a reader and having a humongous TBR. I try not to let myself stress out by thinking about all the books I need to read, but recently I compiled a list of every book I own. If you don’t know, my boyfriend is Australian. This means that inevitably in the future, I’ll be spending a significant amount of time over there. Probably without my books. To offset that, I needed a list. A list which made sure I wouldn’t make repeat purchases by buying books I already have.

“Surely that would be easy? Don’t you know what you own?”

For the huge majority, yes! Indeed, I do. I know that I’ve got everything Leigh Bardugo has ever published, and I know that I’ve got several sets of the Harry Potter books. What I don’t know, and what I won’t remember, is the hundreds of standalone that I’ve read once, loved, and can’t convince myself to get rid of. I’ve got four Billy bookcases that are stacked to the brim, and 3 months into my Australia voyage – I will barely remember my own name, let alone the hundreds of books I already own that aren’t big name authors or ones that I’ve read a thousand times.

My solution? The list.

It’s one I’m keeping on top of, adding new purchases to – documenting and changing books when they go from NOT READ to YAY I FINALLY READ IT! And creating this list made me realise how much I own that I haven’t even read yet. Out of 600 books, almost 100 of them are unread. Which, in my opinion, isn’t the worst ratio in the world. That means for every 5 books I have read, there’s one that I haven’t – and I can cope with that. Especially when I read about 100 books a year, if I truly burrow down and focus on my TBR by ignoring all the new shiny books that are publishing, I could get through them all pretty quickly.

But of course, I have no self control, and there’s absolutely no way I’ll be doing that. I mean, come onnnn there are so many good books publishing this coming year and I do not plan to ignore them all. Maybe I’ll try be a bit more picky, but I’m not sure it’ll work out for me. I LIKE NEW BOOKS AND I CANNOT LIE.

So instead, I’ve compromised.

I’ve compiled a list of books that I definitely would love to get to relatively soon, perhaps in the next few months. Check my reading wrap ups later to find out if I’ve stuck to this, but here it goes.

My TBR, in two parts.


I’m a reviewer, and by being a reviewer I get review copies. Those review copies pile up until I feel like I’m going to choke on them, and I hope making this list will make them seem more manageable. It’ll mean that I’m able to cope. For some bizzare reason, I always get demotivated by having books I HAVE to read. Probably because I’m such a mood reader and I like to be able to pick up what I fancy. So I figure, if I make a big enough list of ‘urgent reads’ then I’ll be able to have my pick, make a selection from a list – and I won’t feel so much like I’m only picking up a book because I have to, and not because I actually want to.

Books 1 & 2: To Best The Boys and The Antidote (sent for review by Harper360YA)

These two look absolutely gorgeous and I just need to convince myself to pick them up. I owe Harper360YA for believing in me when I don’t even believe in myself, and sending me review copies even when I always feel like my reviews are sh*t. They must have some faith in me, and I have complete faith in them. If Shrina said she loved these books, I will too – I just need to pick them up! (COME ON LYDIA, PICK THEM UP!).

Books 3 & 4: Sky in the Deep and Dread Nation (sent for review by Titan books)

I keep telling myself I have loads of time for these two, seeing as Sky in the Deep has an early spring release date buT OH MY GOSH IT’S ALMOST MARCH AND OH I’M SO BEHIND. Sky isn’t the sort of book I usually read, but it’s one that I’ve always wanted to read despite the fact. Everyone I know who has read it LOVED IT, and that’ll mean I will too, right? Right? As for Dread Nation, I got sent a gorgeous finished copy that has shiny foiling and is an own voices paranormal – something that I’m drooling for. All I need to do is (you know where this is going) actually pick it up.

Books 5 & 6: Enchantee and The Ruin of Kings (sent for review from Pan Macmillan & their YA imprint, My Kinda Books)

I don’t have a photo yet of Ruin, as I received it just before sitting down to write this post – but all in all, I need to read then. Enchantee is already released and is just sitting there staring at me. STARING. I did start to read it, but then I got sidetracked by all the other things I have to read. Mainly because I agreed to read it as a buddy read, so we both picked it up – and then things happened, life got in the way (no surprise there), and we never continued on. Meaning I’ve been stuck at page 100 for a month now and it’s been sat on a shelf next to my bed, but this morning I finally moved it back to its rightful place on the bookshelf. I haven’t picked it up in 30 days, so I put it where it’ll stare at me. Forever.

Actually, hopefully not forever as I do plan to read it. I promise. PLEASE STOP LOOKING AT ME.

Books 7 (and also 8, 9 & 10): Courting Darkness (sent for review by Anderson Press and my love, Layla)

As the final book on part 1 of my list, this is where things get tricky. Courting Darkness is the fourth book in a series I adore, but I always do rereads when a new book comes out – and I just haven’t found the time to reread the first 3 books. Not only am I dedicating myself to read Courting Darkness when I finally want to pick it up, but the other 3 as well. Which puts a lot of pressure on me (which I volunteered for, as I requested it), bUT I JUST CAN’T HANDLE IT.

Part 2: Shiny books that I don’t need to read but I really want to and I won’t be able to concentrate on my review copies until I’ve read these ones because I have no self control and I need help

The title above is as accurate as I can make it. I’ll be honest, I keep getting sidetracked and I hate myself. I just have sO MANY books I want to read, and here are just a few of the ones I want to read the most, and a few reasons why:

1. The Gilded WolvesSHINY. HEIST. ROSHANI. I LOVE.

Image result for the gilded wolves


Image result for east by edith


Image result for trail of lightning


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Image result for paper princess

6. Alchemists of Loom – ELISE KOVA!! STEAMPUNK! THAT COVER!!!

Image result for the alchemists of loom


Image result for nevernight by jay kristoff

I also have a bunch of 2019 ARCs I got from trades that I desperately want to read, but I’ll be making a whole other post about those, so just imagine 20+ books added onto the end of this pile, and now you can picture why I’m so indecisive when it comes to choosing the books I want to read and finding the motivation to do so.

I just keep telling myself, even if I end up reading “the wrong things”, at least I’m reading.

23 thoughts on “Discussing My TBR – A Relaxed Talk & Assessment of What I Should Be Reading (and when)

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  1. I’m the same, I gave myself analysis paralysis for ages because I had so many books and just couldn’t work out which to read so I read…. nothing. Now I’ve dropped that and I’ll literally just pick up books in the order that I buy them. I feel all the indecision and uncertainty and the worry that I should be reading something else… and I just read the book anyway. I read so much more now and I generally find I get to everything because I’m not paralysed by not getting started.

    The other stuff will always be there and if I drop dead and never got to read six of crows? Well I’ll have bigger problems to worry about!

    Isabelle | http://isabellemarieflynn.blogspot.co.uk

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a good way of thinking about things! I need to stop requesting books from publishers until I’m all caught up, I’ll probably be more relaxed then. All in all, I’m hoping my TBR is pretty manageable! I read 10-15 books every month so if I actually pick up the ones I should be, I can catch up pretty quickly!


    1. I figure if I create a long enough list then I’ve still got enough choice. I’ve always been a list person and without being able to see a clear layout of my TBR I’d probably get even more stressed!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sky in the Deep was one of my favourites last year!! It’s an amazing read, so I hope you love it. I was under the impression Courting Darkness was the 1st in a duology related to her other series, but not #4. And PLEASE READ NEVERNIGHT 🤣🤣

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I might be wrong about Courting Darkness, all I know is you definitely wouldn’t understand it if you haven’t read the other 3, and I’ve seen people call it number four. WHO KNOWS THOUGH?

      I willllllll…. maybe…. some time….


      1. Bahahah I get you!

        Also, great thing I have the other 3 on my kindle! Need to get reading lol and shout at me when you’ve read Sky! The companion is coming out in September!!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’ll try! I gave Sky a go yesterday but I just wasn’t in the mood for it. I’ll try again, I did actually like the writing style so that’s a bonus 💕 what’s the companion called?


  3. I loved reading this, trust me this is going to resonate with most book lovers ❤ and I ended up making an inventory list when I moved to Scotland from Texas (much like you, I had no idea what I had aside from my faves!)

    I also got rid of a lot before I moved, if I had them for 6 years and hadn't touched them, chances are I wasn't, and I could always try to find them at the library lol.

    I hope you have fun with your tbr this year ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw yay! I’m glad I’m not the only person who has a huge list of everything. You moved from Texas all the way to Scotland?? That’s crazy! How are you finding things? What’s the weather change like?

      I’m really looking forward to my TBR this year, it’s one of the greatest I’ve ever had. So mannnny booooks!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. harper are so lovely , i got the antidote too (and circle of shjadows) ao i really wanna prioritise those this month! i keep the ones i wanna read fierst on my bed s o im more likely to read them

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I understand, I’m a mood reader too and sometimes you just don’t want to pick up the books that you should be reading 😅


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